A heartbeat is a signal indicating that it is alive.
A datanode sends heartbeat to Namenode and task tracker will send its heart
beat to job tracker. If the Namenode or job tracker does not receive heart beat
then they will decide that there is some problem in datanode or task tracker is
unable to perform the assigned task.
Sunday, 26 April 2020
How is Spark different than Hadoop?
Spark stores data in memory, thus running MapReduce
operations much faster than Hadoop, which stores that on disk. Also it has
command line interfaces in Scala, Python, and R. And it includes a machine
learning library, Spark ML, that is developed by the Spark project and not
separately, like Mahout.
Basic understanding about Spark
1.What is Apache Spark?
Apache Spark is a cluster computing framework which runs on a cluster of commodity hardware and performs data unification i.e., reading and writing of wide variety of data from multiple sources. In Spark, a task is an operation that can be a map task or a reduce task. Spark Context handles the execution of the job and also provides API’s in different languages i.e., Scala, Java and Python to develop applications and faster execution as compared to MapReduce.2. How is Spark different from MapReduce? Is Spark faster than MapReduce?
Yes, Spark is faster than MapReduce. There are few important reasons why Spark is faster than MapReduce and some of them are below:
- There is no tight coupling in Spark i.e., there is no mandatory rule that reduce must come after map.
- Spark tries to keep the data “in-memory” as much as possible.
In MapReduce, the intermediate data will be stored in HDFS and hence takes longer time to get the data from a source but this is not the case with Spark.
3. Explain the Apache Spark Architecture. How to Run Spark applications?
- Apache Spark application contains two programs namely a Driver program and Workers program.
- A cluster manager will be there in-between to interact with these two cluster nodes. Spark Context will keep in touch with the worker nodes with the help of Cluster Manager.
- Spark Context is like a master and Spark workers are like slaves.
- Workers contain the executors to run the job. If any dependencies or arguments have to be passed then Spark Context will take care of that. RDD’s will reside on the Spark Executors.
- You can also run Spark applications locally using a thread, and if you want to take advantage of distributed environments you can take the help of S3, HDFS or any other storage system.
4. What is RDD?
A. RDD stands for Resilient Distributed Datasets (RDDs). If you have large amount of data, and is not necessarily stored in a single system, all the data can be distributed across all the nodes and one subset of data is called as a partition which will be processed by a particular task. RDD’s are very close to input splits in MapReduce.
5. What is the role of coalesce () and repartition () in Map Reduce?
A. Both coalesce and repartition are used to modify the number of partitions in an RDD but Coalesce avoids full shuffle.
If you go from 1000 partitions to 100 partitions, there will not be a shuffle, instead each of the 100 new partitions will claim 10 of the current partitions and this does not require a shuffle.
Repartition performs a coalesce with shuffle. Repartition will result in the specified number of partitions with the data distributed using a hash practitioner.
6. How do you specify the number of partitions while creating an RDD? What are the functions?
A. You can specify the number of partitions while creating a RDD either by using the sc.textFile or by using parallelize functions as follows:
Val rdd = sc.parallelize(data,4)
val data = sc.textFile(“path”,4)
7. What are actions and transformations?
A. Transformations create new RDD’s from existing RDD and these transformations are lazy and will not be executed until you call any action.
Eg: map(), filter(), flatMap(), etc.,
Actions will return results of an RDD.
Eg: reduce(), count(), collect(), etc.,
8. What is Lazy Evaluation?
A. If you create any RDD from an existing RDD that is called as transformation and unless you call an action your RDD will not be materialized the reason is Spark will delay the result until you really want the result because there could be some situations you have typed something and it went wrong and again you have to correct it in an interactive way it will increase the time and it will create un-necessary delays. Also, Spark optimizes the required calculations and takes intelligent decisions which is not possible with line by line code execution. Spark recovers from failures and slow workers.
9. Mention some Transformations and Actions
A. Transformations map (), filter(), flatMap()
reduce(), count(), collect()
10. What is the role of cache() and persist()?
A. Whenever you want to store a RDD into memory such that the RDD will be used multiple times or that RDD might have created after lots of complex processing in those situations, you can take the advantage of Cache or Persist.
You can make an RDD to be persisted using the persist() or cache() functions on it. The first time it is computed in an action, it will be kept in memory on the nodes.
When you call persist(), you can specify that you want to store the RDD on the disk or in the memory or both. If it is in-memory, whether it should be stored in serialized format or de-serialized format, you can define all those things.
cache() is like persist() function only, where the storage level is set to memory only.
11. What are Accumulators?
A. Accumulators are the write only variables which are initialized once and sent to the workers. These workers will update based on the logic written and sent back to the driver which will aggregate or process based on the logic.
Only driver can access the accumulator’s value. For tasks, Accumulators are write-only. For example, it is used to count the number errors seen in RDD across workers.
12. What are Broadcast Variables?
A. Broadcast Variables are the read-only shared variables. Suppose, there is a set of data which may have to be used multiple times in the workers at different phases, we can share all those variables to the workers from the driver and every machine can read them.
13. What are the optimizations that developer can make while working with spark?
A. Spark is memory intensive, whatever you do it does in memory.
Firstly, you can adjust how long spark will wait before it times out on each of the phases of data locality (data local –> process local –> node local –> rack local –> Any).
Filter out data as early as possible. For caching, choose wisely from various storage levels.
Tune the number of partitions in spark.
14. What is Spark SQL?
A. Spark SQL is a module for structured data processing where we take advantage of SQL queries running on the datasets.
15. What is a Data Frame?
A. A data frame is like a table, it got some named columns which organized into columns. You can create a data frame from a file or from tables in hive, external databases SQL or NoSQL or existing RDD’s. It is analogous to a table.
16. How can you connect Hive to Spark SQL?
A. The first important thing is that you have to place hive-site.xml file in conf directory of Spark.
Then with the help of Spark session object we can construct a data frame as,
result = spark.sql(“select * from <hive_table>”)
17. What is GraphX?
A. Many times you have to process the data in the form of graphs, because you have to do some analysis on it. It tries to perform Graph computation in Spark in which data is present in files or in RDD’s.
GraphX is built on the top of Spark core, so it has got all the capabilities of Apache Spark like fault tolerance, scaling and there are many inbuilt graph algorithms also. GraphX unifies ETL, exploratory analysis and iterative graph computation within a single system.
You can view the same data as both graphs and collections, transform and join graphs with RDD efficiently and write custom iterative algorithms using the pregel API.
GraphX competes on performance with the fastest graph systems while retaining Spark’s flexibility, fault tolerance and ease of use.
18. What is PageRank Algorithm?
A. One of the algorithm in GraphX is PageRank algorithm. Pagerank measures the importance of each vertex in a graph assuming an edge from u to v represents an endorsements of v’s importance by u.
For exmaple, in Twitter if a twitter user is followed by many other users, that particular will be ranked highly. GraphX comes with static and dynamic implementations of pageRank as methods on the pageRank object.
19. What is Spark Streaming?
A. Whenever there is data flowing continuously and you want to process the data as early as possible, in that case you can take the advantage of Spark Streaming. It is the API for stream processing of live data.
Data can flow for Kafka, Flume or from TCP sockets, Kenisis etc., and you can do complex processing on the data before you pushing them into their destinations. Destinations can be file systems or databases or any other dashboards.
20. What is Sliding Window?
A. In Spark Streaming, you have to specify the batch interval. For example, let’s take your batch interval is 10 seconds, Now Spark will process the data whatever it gets in the last 10 seconds i.e., last batch interval time.
But with Sliding Window, you can specify how many last batches has to be processed. In the below screen shot, you can see that you can specify the batch interval and how many batches you want to process.
Apart from this, you can also specify when you want to process your last sliding window. For example you want to process the last 3 batches when there are 2 new batches. That is like when you want to slide and how many batches has to be processed in that window.
Introduction to MESOS
Introduction to MESOS
Apache Mesos is an open source cluster management project
designed to set up and optimize distributed systems. Mesos allows the
management and sharing of resources in a fine and dynamic way between different
nodes and for various applications. This article covers the architecture of
Mesos, its fundamentals and its support for NVIDIA GPUs.
Architecture of Mesos
Mesos consists of several elements:
Master daemon:
runs on master nodes and controls “slave daemons”.
Slave daemon:
runs on slave nodes and allows tasks to be launched.
Framework: better
known as “Mesos”, it is made up of:
a scheduler which asks the master for available resources
one or more executors that launch applications on the
Offer: lists the
available resources “CPU and memory”.
Task: run on
slave nodes, it can be any type of application (bash, Query SQL, Hadoop job
Zookeeper: allows
coordinating masters nodes
High availability
In order to avoid a SPOF (Single Point of Failure), several
masters, a master master (leader) and backup masters must be used. Zookeeper
replicates the master at N node to form a Zookeeper quorum. It is he who
coordinates the election of the master master. At least 3 masters are required
for high availability.
Marathon is a container orchestrator for Mesos that allows
you to launch applications. It is equipped with a REST API to start and stop
Chronos is a framework for Mesos developed by Airbnb to
replace standard crontab. It is a complete, distributed, fault tolerant
scheduler that facilitates the orchestration of tasks. Chronos has a REST API
for creating planning tasks from a web interface.
Principle of operation
This diagram explains to us how a task is launched and
Agent 1 informs the master master of the resources available
on the slave node with which it is associated. The master can then edit an
investment strategy, it offers all the resources available to framework 1.
The master informs framework 1 of the resources available
for agent 1.
The orchestrator responds to the master "I will perform
two tasks on agent 1" depending on the resources available.
The master sends the two tasks to the agent who will
allocate the resources to the two new tasks.
Containerizer is a Mesos component that launches containers,
it is responsible for isolating and managing container resources.
Creation and launch of a containerizer:
The agent creates a containerizer with the --containerizer
To run a containerizer, you must specify the type of
executor (mesos, docker, composing) otherwise it will use the default. You can
find out the default executor using the TaskInfo command
mesos-executor -> default executor
mesos-docker-executor -> Docker executor
Types of containers:
Mesos supports different types of containers:
Composing: implementation of docker-compose
Docker containerizer: manages containers using the
Mesos containerizer are the native containers of Mesos
NVIDIA and Mesos GPUs
Using GPU with Mesos is not a big problem. The agents must
first be configured so that they take GPUs into account when they inform the
master of the resources available. It is obviously necessary to configure the
masters so that they too can inform frameworks of the available resources
Launching tasks is performed in the same way by adding a GPU
resource type. However, unlike processors, memory and disks, only whole numbers
of GPUs can be selected. If a fractional quantity is chosen, launching the task
will cause a TASK_ERROR type error.
For the moment, only Mesos containerizers are capable of
launching tasks with Nvidia GPUs. Normally this does not bring any limitations
because Mesos containerizer natively supports Docker images.
In addition, Mesos incorporates the operating principle of
the "nvidia-docker" image exposing the CUDA Toolkit to developers and
Data Scientists. This allows to directly mount the drivers and tools necessary
for GPUs in the container. We can therefore locally build our container and
deploy it easily with Mesos.
Mesos is a solution that allows companies to deploy and
manage Docker containers, while sharing the available resources of their
infrastructures. In addition, thanks to the Mesos containerizer, we can perform
deep learning in a distributed way or share GPU resources between several
Wednesday, 22 April 2020
Scala collection API
Scala collection API
Types and hierarchies
Seq,LinearSeq and indexedSeq
Mutable and immutable
The scala collections are a well-understood and frequently
used programming abstraction that can be distinguished between mutable and
immutable collections.
Like a mutable variable ,the mutable collections can be
updated, changed or extended when necessary.
However like a immutable variable,immutable collections
cannot be changed.
Most of the collection packeage located in scala,collection,
Easy to Use
collection under package in scala
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